MicroDirect MicroCO Carbon Monoxide Monitor


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SKU: MC02 Category:

The Micro CO is the gold standard in CO breath testing, and is the most advanced system currently available today. Some of its many features include, fast response time, 1ppm resolution, immediate display of CO levels in PPM & %COHb, color light indicators, capable of interfacing with COBRA, a windows based software package for performing and storing real time breath tests on your PC.

A unique benefit of COBRA is that all reports produced can be created in your local language using the currently installed character set of your Windows installation.

Features and Benefits

The Micro CO is a powerful diagnostic tool for measuring alveolar Carbon Monoxide in PPM concentrations and percentage Carboxyhemoglobin. Operating from a single 9V PP3 battery for approximately 8000 tests the Micro CO combines accuracy and simplicity making it the preferred choice for all types of health professionals worldwide.

Ease of Use:

Measurements are easily obtained from a single expiration and are aided by an auto-zero function at turn on, combined with a breath hold countdown timer. These results are then instantly displayed on the large, easy to read liquid crystal display, and are visually represented by the appropriate color light indicator.

Breath-Holding Support

The device features an on board countdown timer to encourage patients to hold their breath for a sufficient time period.

Immediate Results

A clear graphic display immediately returns results, without requiring a warm-up

Design Innovation:

An ergonomically designed unit of distinctive appearance, the textured handgrip encourages easy and reassuring use. Both the MicroCO and SmokeCheck are small, lightweight and are molded from high impact ABS.

Materials Included

  • 1 Micro CO2 Unit
  • Carrying Case
  • 2 Cardboard Mouthpieces
  • 1 Plastic One-Way Valve
  • Calibration Connector
  • User Manual

Technical Specifications

Gas Detected: Carbon Monoxide
Range: 0-500 ppm
Sensitivity: 1ppm
Operating range: 32-104 °F
Operating pressure: Atmospheric +/- 10%
Hydrogen cross-sensitivity: &lt, 3%
Sensor life: 2-5 years
Sensor drift: &lt, 2% per month
Display: 3Ѕ digit LCD
Power supply: Single 9V PP3
Weight (Net): 5.6 oz
Dimensions: 6.5 x 2.5 x 2 ‘
Indicator levels: green: 0-6 ppm

amber: 7-10 ppm

red: &gt,11 ppm
Poison audio alarm: 72 ppm

Warranty Information

  • 2-Year Warranty


Reimbursement Information


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